Work With Me

Sue Donnellan, parent educator

Here’s how we can work together…

Free Discovery Call

During this 30 minute call, we’ll chat about what’s going on and if there is a fit, we will talk about how 1:1 coaching will help.

Quick Fix Coaching w/Sue

These are private sessions, custom responses, and no-nonsense solutions. Includes a detailed action plan. You have two options: (1) 30-minute coaching session or (3) 30-minute sessions (best value). Price will be discussed during your Discovery Call.

Book Your Free Discovery Call

“Sue has cleared up the mystery of parenting with her no-nonsense methods that are easy to do once you know about them. Working with Sue challenged me to become more confident in my parenting. As a single father, she gave me permission to disappoint my daughter when necessary, in order to take care of myself. Sue’s mentoring has been invaluable in helping me navigate my parenting challenges.”

Ron Kelley

Single Father of 13 Year-Old Daughter

“After my first session with Sue, I felt more positive and prepared in my responses to my kids. My attitude changed and starting that day I had a completely different perspective, without holding onto guilt. The change in my household has been immediate.”

Silvia R

Mom of 4 Children - 5, 8, 11 & 14

“Sue Donnellan is the real deal when it comes to logical and common sensed based parenting hacks. Shortly after my divorce, I still had to live with my ex and finish co-parenting my last child to graduation. More than once, Sue provided guidelines to handle tense family interactions and strategies to rethink my communication, refocus my priorities, and reconnect with myself while still parenting and living with my ex.”

Lisa R

Mom of 2 Teens