Positive Parenting Blog

Category: Parenting Techniques
Parental Coaching: 5 Things To Know Before You Get Started
Parental Coaching: 5 Things To Know Before You Get Started

Yelling at the top of your lungs….slamming doors.You’ve had enough.Your house is a wreck. Work is overwhelming, and your kids talk to you less each day.You're at the end of your rope. It wasn’t supposed to be like this.  No one said parenting would be easy, but it...

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Parenting Without Bribes And Threats
Parenting Without Bribes And Threats

Do you find yourself yelling, bribing, or threatening your kids to get them to listen to you? We've all been there at some point. Getting kids to listen can be a challenge - especially when your kids know your weaknesses.You're not alone. Many parents are struggling...

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Why Do Kids Scream And What Parents Can Do About It
Why Do Kids Scream And What Parents Can Do About It

Ever wondered why kids scream? Let's look at why children scream and what parents can do about it.But first, let's take a moment to imagine how it usually goes.Imagine grocery shopping with your toddler. You head toward the checkout. Sweaty palms grip the grocery...

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Teen PDA & Teen Dating: Rules And Boundaries
Teen PDA & Teen Dating: Rules And Boundaries

Parents, it's time to have a talk with your teenager about dating.What are the rules and boundaries? What are you going to expect from them when it comes to relationships?It can be tough setting guidelines, but it's important to do so in order to help your teen...

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When Should You Get Your Kid A Phone?
When Should You Get Your Kid A Phone?

Having a personal smart phone seems to have become somewhat of a rite of passage for most kids. Cell phones, with all their convenience, burst open the door to a child’s social connections, friendships, and access to all that can be found on the internet.

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How To Stop Yelling At Your Kids
How To Stop Yelling At Your Kids

Let’s be real; kids push us to our breaking point. It happens. It might seem as though the only logical way to solve a situation is to start yelling. Personally, my throat was sore daily from yelling at my kids so often. It took my son’s eyes glazing over for me to notice yelling might not be working for me.

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Hurtful Things Parents Say To Their Kids
Hurtful Things Parents Say To Their Kids

As we all know, words can sting. When we’re rushed, mad, or exhausted, it’s hard to always think of just the right positive parenting solution for our situation. We can’t expect ourselves to immediately have the perfect words to say every time our buttons get pushed. That said, if we allow certain damaging phrases to be part of our everyday vernacular, we aren’t taking into account the lingering hurtful effects they have on our child.

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How To Enforce Rules With Children Without Compromising
How To Enforce Rules With Children Without Compromising

Kids have wants and needs just like all of us; however, they might use tactics that aren’t ideal for getting what they want. The easy answer is to give in to their pleading, whining, and negotiating, but is it really in their best interest to bend to these behaviors?

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